My poor blog is feeling sadly neglected...and I completely understand why. The poor thing hasn't been updated since in 6 months! Do you ever feel like life just gets in the way sometimes? We just registered little Ella for first grade and Eva will start her last year of preschool in the Fall...I just can't believe that my babies are growing up! Ella will be 7 in a month and I just don't know how that is possible. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital, she was learning to walk, beginning preschool...geez, how do I slow time down a bit?
Water Baby, 3"x4"
I won't bore you with details of the last 6 months, but in a nutshell here goes....
2 kids in school, David coaching track, a last minute decision for David to start his master's program, a family vacation to Disney World and a lovely visit with Florida family members, a crazy summer, softball, gymnastics...you get the idea.So now as summer is winding down, I find myself secretly happy and welcoming the return of school, cooler weather (hopefully), and settling into a normal routine (albeit hectic at times).
September will also bring about my first attempt as an art fair vendor. This is a baby step...my way of testing the water...and something that I've avoided doing for several years now. I decided to start small...with a small outdoor art fair on a Saturday morning. I have no tables, no tent, no table coverings, and no idea how in the world I'll display my work...I'm looking forward to it. If any seasoned art show vets have advice on anything...please leave me a comment. I need all the help I can get!