Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. I don't know about you, but I had an absolutely perfect Mother's Day. It all started when the kids went to their ma and pa's house for the day (ma & pa are what the girls call my mom and dad). So yes, I admit that Mother's Day is supposed to be for spending time with your children, but my girls are constantly at my side. So when the offer was put onto the table...to have a nice relaxing day away from the girls, I jumped at the opportunity.
Today hubby and I went to the first outdoor flea market of the year (for us anyway). The weather was absolutely beautiful...we couldn't have asked for a nicer morning. Oh and by the way...I found numerous treasures at my very favorite vendor's booth...he's the guy that I've posted about before and I'm sure will post about again. He has boxes and boxes and boxes of junk...old plates, toys, books, you name it. I'll have to take his picture next time we go...he certainly is a character...always shouting out "books and magazines, three for a dollar. Anything else is two for a dollar!" I wonder if he ever gets tired of saying that?
Anyway...here's what I picked up today.
A wonderful cigar box full of buttons and a notions. Two little play books - one in German and one in Italian (I think). Lots of handwritten little pamphlets for a fraternal organization, a deed, western union telegram, a rent receipt booklet, some vintage laces and a copy of "Life" from 1894 (the adds are great, btw).
I hope all the mothers of the world are having as much fun as I am! I think mothers should be celebrated more than once a year!